School Crest, School Song and School Uniform
School Crest, School Song and School Uniform

Our school crest in the shape of a shield symbolises our strength and our commitment in nurturing the whole child. The crest consists of a beacon with five brilliant rays in golden yellow serving as the guiding light. The rays signify our aspiration for every Beacon to be a Contributor, Connector, Constructor, Conductor and Confident learner.
Golden yellow, a colour for joy and creativity, depicts the school as a happy place to learn and work in and where innovation is part of the school culture. Royal blue represents space, openness and an environment that is engaging and conducive for learning.
The globe in the background highlights vastness and possibilities in a global and connected world in which our learners expand their horizons and envision the future.
The design also portrays the journey of a pathfinder charting new directions and striving to be a peak of excellence. It reinforces our aspiration for each Beacon to be a peak of excellence in his or her chosen areas. The school motto, ‘SHINE’, at the base of the crest indicates that our pursuits are guided by our core values.

The school uniform consists of two main colours - white and blue. The colour white projects purity and neutrality, and signifies a successful beginning. Blue represents openness and portrays vastness and possibilities. In addition, the thin white stripes on the girls' blue pinafore represent shining rays of light as from a beacon. The pinafore's 5-sided neckline depicts our five desired outcomes for the pupils.
School Song
Beacon Shining Bright
The composition of our school song started in 2007 (before the school officially started). The school song encapsulates both our values and aspirations. The work was completed in 2008 and the song was proudly sung by the Beacon community for the first time at our inaugural Beacon Awards Ceremony on 14 Nov 2008.